Welcome to Shimizu Port! This is a one-minute short video message from Shimizu, Japan, a port at the foot of Mount Fuji, to cheer everybody up in spite of the COVID-19 outbreak. People working at the Port of Shimizu, related industries, and local people participated in this video. Representing Team Shimizu, students show their appreciation for the essential workers. The third Monday of July is a Japanese public holiday known as “Marine Day,” and many related events have been held in various parts of Japan in this month. Fireworks shows by the seaside are typically a must-see. It is pity that you will not be able to see them in Shimizu this year, so instead please enjoy a past show here: ⁂https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4725&v=PG0oZ-dpcbk&feature=emb_logo Our most heartfelt welcome and gratitude once again. Bon Voyage.
posted by Shimizu Port Authority
The third Monday of July is a Japanese public holiday known as “Marine Day,” and many related events have been held in various parts of Japan in this month. Fireworks shows by the seaside are typically a must-see. It is pity that you will not be able to see them in Shimizu this year, so instead please enjoy a past show here:
Our most heartfelt welcome and gratitude once again.
Bon Voyage.
Also see these official sites:
⁂Port of Shimizu: https://www.portofshimizu-intl.com/
⁂School of Marine Science & Technology of Tokai University: http://sdb01.scc.u-tokai.ac.jp/
⁂National Shimizu Maritime Poly technical College:https://kaigiko.jp
*Produced and shot by Shimizu Port Authority
*Drone video shot by Suzuyo Construction Co., Ltd
*Supported by Shimizu Marine Day Executive Committee, Japan Maritime Public Relations Center Shizuoka Brunch, Shimizu Coast Guard Office, Shimizu Port Office of Chubu Regional Bureau (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism), Shizuoka Transportation Branch office of Chubu District Transport Bureau(Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism), Shizuoka City “City of Maritime Culture” Promotion Department, Shizuoka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Nagoya Customs Shimizu Branch Customs, Shimizu Harbor Transportation Association, Suzuyo & Co., Ltd., Seiwa Kaiun Co., Ltd., Amano Kaisoten, Ltd., Aoki Trans Corporation, Shimizu United Agency Co., Ltd., Shimizu Port Agency Co., Ltd., Shimizu Port Passenger Ships Promotion Committee, JETRO Shizuoka, Yuu-no-kai, Shimizu Port Promotion Association, School of Marine Science & Technology of Tokai University, National Shimizu Maritime Poly technical College, others (listed in random order)
